78午夜福利视频,波多野结喷水最猛一部352,99久久精品免费看国产一区二区三区 ,亚洲字幕AV一区二区三区四区

驗廠咨詢  SYSTEM


發(fā)布時間:2023/7/14 14:06:58   發(fā)布來源:xfhp298.cn    作者:通翔驗廠咨詢

  Disney audit includes below five procedures:


  一、 Opening Meeting - Introduction of the audit procedures, Disney Code of Conduct, Disney Ethics Policy


  二、Facility Health & Safety Inspection Walk-through - The entire facilit, including all production areas, warehouses, chemical storage areas,canteens, dormitories (as applicable), and all other areas of the facility

  工廠健康安全巡查一包括生產(chǎn)區(qū)域, 倉庫,化學品倉庫,食堂,宿舍(如適用) , 及工廠的其他所有區(qū)域

  三、Documents Review - Original records and documents (as applicable per region/country)


  1、Disney' s Code of Conduct


  2、Business/Industry license, registration, permit, and/or certificate


  3、Workplace rules or bylaws


  4、Government required postings


  5、List of all workers indicating full name, date of employment, date of birth, and position held in the facility


  6、Personnel Files (including employment contracts)


  7、Work attendance records


  * Scope (12 most recent months; or at least 12 most recent months if Comprehensive/Flexible Working Hours System is applicable; or the

  number of months that business is in operation if business was in operation for less than 12 months)


  ●Timecards or timesheets考勤卡

  ●Leave records請假記錄

  8、Payroll records


  * Scope (apply same as work attendance records)


  ●Detailed payroll registers工資表

  ●Piece rate records and production records計件記錄和生產(chǎn)記錄

  9、Cancelled checks / monthly statements and records for cash payment


  ●Electronic fund transfer records電子轉賬記錄

  10、Payment verification documents (as applicable per country) for worker' s social benefits provided by government or bank


  ●Canceled deposit checks or other form of payment verification



  11、Fire drill records, emergency evacuation plan, fire inspection reports, and fire prevention certificates


  12、Health and Safety documents and training records


  13、Employee annual medical examination results


  14、 Equipment and machinery operation certificate, license, and permit


  15、 Machine maintenance and inspection records


  16、 Material Safety Data Sheet of chemical used


  17、Environmental records (as applicable per country) and list of chemicals utilized by facility


  18、Other Documents (if applicable) pertaining to...



  * Rent/lease contracts租賃合同


  * Security agency保安中介

  * Kitchen/catering services食堂/飲食服務

  * Labor Union/Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)勞工組織/勞資談判合同

  * Subcontractors分包商

  四、Worker Discussions / Interviews - Private and confidential


  五、Closing Meeting - Discussion of Corrective Action Plan Acknowledgement Report (CAPAR)


  通翔顧問專業(yè)輔導18年以上資質(zhì),專業(yè)貼心的服務,確保一次性通過下證,費用透明實惠,有任何體系認證、客戶驗廠項目歡迎咨詢通翔企業(yè)管理顧問有限公——13826591975徐經(jīng)理 (微信同號)




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Tags標簽: 迪士尼驗廠




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